As the spring bird migration is winding down, the local mammals have been active in the backyard.
The first white-tail fawn has been born and seen nursing with its mother. The doe has to be on alert for coyotes who will prey on newly-born fawns. In the first two weeks of the fawn’s life, the mother will eat the fawn’s urine and feces so there is little scent to attract predators.
In the world of groundhogs, I observed that they are known to sunbathe.

The chipmunks also were active by the entrance to their den in the yard. With all the rain, the lawn grass is growing quickly which makes the chipmunks have to stand up to see around.
There was a bird milestone over the weekend and that was the first hatch of Wood Ducks on our pond. The last week of May seems about average for the arrival of these broods.