Going on a spring bird walk in tick country? Here are some tips from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
Before You Go Outdoors
Know where to expect ticks. Ticks live in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas, or even on animals. Spending time outside walking your dog, camping, gardening, or hunting couldĀ bring you in close contact with ticks. Many people get ticks in their own yard or neighborhood.
Treat clothing and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin. Permethrin can be used to treat boots, clothing and camping gear and remain protective through several washings. Alternatively, you can buy permethrin-treated clothing and gear.
Avoid Contact with Ticks
Avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter.
Walk in the center of trails.
Insect sprays containing Permethrin have shown to be the best deterrent for ticks. Here is a video describing how it works: Expert Recommended Tick Repellent: Permethrin Helps Prevent Ticks
Be aware that Permethrin spray is highly toxic to cats. It needs to dry thoroughly before it is safe around all pets. The good thing about it is you can spray your boots and hiking clothes and it will stay effective for up to a month even with several washings.
As for birds that eat ticks, chickens and turkeys love snatching them off of vegetation. If you are one not to care for large flocks of turkeys in your backyard, this is the one reason to embrace them.
Spring walks are some of the best - but the tradeoff - not many mosquitos but tons of ticks!