When prepping for Thanksgiving cooking, the bird feeders in view out my kitchen window offered lots of opportunities to see bird activity. Here is a sampling from my kitchen this week:
I put out my whole peanut feeder this week to watch the Blue Jays extract the shells. A Red-bellied Woodpecker feasting on suet. Purple Finches are showing up at the feeder having travelled south out of Canada for the winter. The female here has raised the feathers on the top of her head which makes it easier to identify this species from the more common House Finch. Squirrels were showing me up by demonstrating all my baffle fails. Never enough photos of cardinals at the feeder. A murder of crows - at one point I had up to 13 together under the feeder. And yes wild turkeys were around. Once the snow is over 6” they will not wander much in search of food. Share