It is a special morning....
…when a scarlet tanager shows up in one’s backyard.
A diversity of warblers greeted the morning here in Minnesota. Canada, blackpolls, chestnut-sided, black-throated green, redstarts, Nashville and Tennessee warblers were all foraging in the trees lit with the morning sun. After birding, while I was inside having coffee, I heard a scarlet tanager calling. I quickly headed back outside with my camera and found this very cooperative male tanager singing in an oak tree. The red color pops this bird out from its surroundings, making it easy to see amongst the leaves. It also does not move about so quickly like the warblers so longer looks make it all the more satisfying. To me this is a special spring bird that is always a joy to see.
Here is the song of the scarlet tanager recorded with Merlin Sound ID on my iPhone: