Winter is a good time to start planning changes or additions to this year’s gardens and backyard landscapes. The indoor months allow for time to discover easy to grow plants that will attract birds and pollinators as well as provide color in your backyard habitat. The online birding academy offered by Cornell Labs has a course titled Growing Wild: Gardening for Birds and Nature . It is a self-paced three hour course of instructional videos and lessons to help you learn what native, bird-friendly plants will grow best in your outdoor space. Here is a preview page about the course giving you a favor for the content.
In the same vein, Cornell Labs is offering a neat two-page poster of Bird-Friendly Plants. You can access it here to download.
I have plans this summer for creating a small “red” garden area to further attract hummingbirds. Thinking of combining scarlet bee balm and red garden phlox with a honeysuckle vine to create a hummingbird destination.